About Real Skills Workshops

Here we focus on Real Skills that matter… practical, energy-savvy ways that make a difference in our world and help us to be Thriving in the Now.

What are Real Skills?

We’re human beings. Yet, we most often measure ourselves as human doings… what can be tallied, controlled, and compared.

We at Thriving Now believe it’s time to start growing our skills in ways that make life better for us personally and for those we co-create with… as human beings whose emotional savvy and strength matter!

We call them skills because…

  • They can be learned and then shared with others.
  • They grow through conscious practice.
  • They have practical VALUE!

Not “soft skills” – these are the skills that matter!

For over 50 years people referred to many of these as “soft skills.” Seth Godin asserts, and we agree, that while these are not the same as trade skills (hammering nails, cooking, performing surgery, driving a truck, computer programming, cutting hair, etc.), they are the difference makers and the skills of essential, real value in work and play and relating.

These skills are both for ourselves (intrapersonal)… and they have deep, positive impact on those we’re connected to (interpersonal).

Practical Value

They have practical value because, let’s be honest: if you had to choose between co-creating with someone who was anxious and doubting and someone who was authentically calm and confident, which would you choose?

Wouldn’t that be true if picking a business partner… or friend… or lover… or someone to build your house?

We know that developing these Real Skills can be fun and playful and enriching emotionally. They absolutely carry over into every aspect of our life. Each real skill supports us in living a rewarding lifestyle… and be Thriving in the Now.

Top 10 Real Skills - An Evolving List

  1. Be Calm and Confident
  2. Bring Relief to Pain and Trauma
  3. Take Clear and Focused Action
  4. Express Your Heartistry
  5. Feel Emotionally Free
  6. Grow in Vitality and Wisdom
  7. Design and Live a Thriving Lifestyle
  8. Relate and Co-Create in Healthy Ways
  9. Adapt to Change with Power and Grace
  10. Generously Support Others in Their Thriving

Each of these flows and nourishes the others. Every real skill we enhance in ourselves brings practical value and abundant emotional rewards.

Under each are many aspects that we’ll touch on in the workshops… and we invite you to start creating and sharing your own list!

We also want to thank Seth Godin who was the first we heard call these Real Skills as part of his Akimbo Real Skills Conference.

Click for Seth's List of Real Skills
  • The ability to start and stop quickly
  • Assertiveness on behalf of ideas that matter
  • Charisma and the skill to influence others
  • Coach-ability and the desire to coach others
  • Compassion for those in need
  • Creativity in the face of challenges
  • Critical thinking instead of mere compliance
  • Decision making with effectiveness
  • Dispute resolution skills
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Empathy for customers, co-workers and vendors
  • Facilitation of discussion
  • Flexibility
  • Honesty
  • Influence
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Leadership
  • Managing up
  • Problem-solving
  • Resilience
  • Self-confidence
  • Storytelling
  • Strategic thinking
  • Stress management
  • Team building
  • Tolerance of change and uncertainty

Our Top 10 incorporates these and many more, in our own way, with a focus on growing an overall Real Skills Talent Stack combined with Emotional Freedom.

What Makes These “Workshops” ?

We will be engaging together with a shared focused intention to develop and practice Real Skills.

We want these engagements to have structure so the topics will be created by the workshop facilitators (those who are here to make the process easier and more fun and useful).

Active participants will add to the experience by sharing, asking, responding, applying, supporting, and celebrating!

This can be Co-Creating at It’s Finest!

Thank you for joining in!

Let’s Get Started!

We’d deeply appreciate it if you would go to this topic and let us know:

Which Real Skills matter most to YOU right NOW?



See the book


See the book