Midjourney - AI Art



Good night… peaceful art to complete my day…

sleepy river otter in appalachia, dusk, early stars in sky, crescent moon, peaceful, magical


I asked ChatGPT to help me with the prompt. Midjourney missed a few details, and this isn’t the one I chose for the workshop… and I really love the energy here! So calming, and the tree speaks to me of courage and confidence.

A serene and tranquil landscape at sunrise, embodying the concept of calmness and confidence. The scene is bathed in the warm, vibrant colors of dawn, with the sun just peeking over the horizon. The sky is a brilliant mix of oranges, pinks, and purples, reflecting off a calm, mirror-like body of water. In the foreground, a lone figure stands tall and confident, facing the rising sun, embodying the power and assurance of the new day. The image should be rendered in a photorealistic style, with high detail and a 16k resolution. The camera used should be a high-end DSLR, with a wide-angle lens to capture the vastness of the scene. The lighting should be natural, highlighting the vibrant colors of the sunrise and casting long, dramatic shadows. The overall composition should convey a sense of peace, calm, and confidence, perfectly encapsulating the title of the workshop: ‘Be Calm and Confident: How?!? When? Where?’ --ar 16:9 --v 5.1 --style raw --q 2 --s 750


That’s beautiful.

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So relaxing. It almost makes me want to try and sketch it.


I took your prompt and put angel in place of otter.
Beautiful angel with gloriously big wings in Appalachia, dusk, early stars in sky, crescent moon, peaceful, magical


Super WOW, Jean!!! Oh My Goddess!


Here is another angel using different words. I want to make a whole flock of them for meditation, visualization, feeling them around me, etc.


Such a good idea, Jean!

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What would you do if she showed up in your living room? I’d be excited, honored and ask a lot of questions.

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I would be surprised for sure and ask some questions too? Speaking of questions what is the Angel holding in her right hand??

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That’s a good question Norene. It looks like it could be some kind of flower. The funny thing is she looks so surprised. I wanted the other people to be surprised to see her instead. It’s interesting how the prompts work.
There is a psychic in Spring Texas who said an angel appeared in her living room. She wrote a little about it in a book. I managed to interview her on my blogtalk radio show but couldn’t pin her down about the angel in her living room. If one showed up in mine I would be so honored and definitely would ask questions and LISTEN.

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Interesting as my spiritual essences hear “show up” and other words of the visual cortex.

When I was learning bodywork, there were all these people who had the gift of Seeing – auras, medical intuitive stuff, etc. Made it so “easy” for them. See and interpret through those well-practiced channels. Yes, and some see angels and spiritual beings as well. Sometimes rare, sometimes everywhere!

It wasn’t until I was helped by a teacher who didn’t “see” that I felt what was true for my sensors. Angels and Spirit Buddies show up easiest in word-energy, auditory inner-speaking channels. Then their presence is felt, like my spirit buddy “riding” in the car with me. I know he is there. I can feel him! I can hear him. When I look over, it feels like my mind has now gotten practiced enough that I can blend together the words and felt sense into an “image” that isn’t actually generated through my eyes to my visual cortex.

Perhaps this is why Midjourney feels so true to my nature. I use words and it crafts from Consciousness some options for me to choose from…

Very angelic, I’d say. Surprise feels like such a core part of the delight of Spirit.


I remember standing in the shower getting ready to go to a dermatologist in Asheville. I was anxious because every time I had derm appointment I got cut on or biopsied. All of a sudden the energy in the shower changed. I didn’t know what it was but it was powerful. Then I “saw” a large shadow on the tile wall. I “heard” you aren’t going to get cut on today. How I wished that were true but I did relax a bit. I didn’t get cut on that day either. I felt so excited that I got an actual angel message. This has stayed with me since. I did feel this presence a few times after so I sense it is my guardian angel or one of them.

Many years ago when we lived in Florida I was alone in the house and I “heard” a male voice say, “Find out about computers.” I was so shocked that I said “what”? The voice repeated itself. So I did and am so so glad.

I love Midjourney too and crafting the words to see what appears. Such fun and I sense more about this is coming for me.


I remember the book Conversations with God which I was lead to 2 years after I started having my own conversations. In that book there was “affirmation” that this experience I was having was, well, accessible to at least some humans.

The conversations the author was having were clearly as USEFUL to him as the conversations I was having were useful to me! Healing. Changing perspectives to be more empowered and clearer. Reducing noise and anxiety. Exploring a reality beyond that which was so “loud” as to obscure what was Right and Holy for ME.

There’s a Possibility here that people get used to asking “better questions” because, well, our tools of consciousness like ChatGPT respond to better questions! And our tools for art and imagery respond to inputs from us… and I find it MAGICAL that it responds with choices, not just “THIS is what it is.”

THIS is what I chose to represent, here and now, how my spirit buddy walking with me feels. It’s REALLY close. There’s an energy in this image that transmits differently than my words what it is like to walk Together and how that is utterly different than walking “alone.”

These words are what came forth from me that lead to this image.

a man and his male spirit buddy walking along a mountain trail in appalachia, simple watercolor, warm and friendly

I’m grateful that this art flowed from that, expresses me and we.



This is how this conversation made me feel.


So cheerful! (I have a thing for happy redheads with big hearts :grin: )


It’s how I felt after the workshop yesterday too :heart:


Something to make me smile tonight…


I’ve heard this phrase, ‘the ground of being’ and am unsure what it means so I wondered if ai could help me get an idea. Not sure it did entirely but I do like this picture giving an idea of magic and beauty blooming all around.

Prompt: “the ground of being”, this picture has an uplifting vibe and draws on watercolour and art nouveau for inspiration using an earthy soft neutral pallette with pale pinks and greens and green-blue