What questions help you gain clarity?

When did this start? What was going on in my life around then?

This is a “trauma informed” question, meaning it recognizes that sometimes a MAJOR change in how a body-mind processes life happens after trauma.

A client had chronic stiffness all through her neck and rib cage. She’d done lots of different physical therapies, yoga, and more. It had been 14 years.

“What was going on in your life 14 years ago?” The answer was the shock, out of nowhere, that her husband had been having an affair for many years.

Using EFT Tapping on the SHOCK to her system brought a profound shift in her body.

The theory we have, with lots of evidence, is that even though this wasn’t a “trauma” like a car accident that came out of nowhere, it was a psychological impact that caused her body to freeze. Ribs and neck brace for impact. Since the trauma of that had never really been addressed as it was held in her body, the body bore the burden.

Until it didn’t need to anymore.

A caution that sometimes there isn’t as clear a connection between when something started and even trauma(s) that when cleared will bring relief. The impact might not be felt for years, and sometimes impactful events are healed by time – but not always.

It’s a useful question.