I am consciously putting energy into collecting the wisdom that flows forth from my engagements with my Circle. My deep sense is that these points are part of Wisdom for Thriving, and the more we amplify these and explore them Together, the stronger the emotional and energetic field around Thriving becomes… Now and Onwards.
We begin with these below. Always feel free to explore, comment, add-to, or refine any of them! They are definitely never put forward as “absolute truth” (haha), yet… Wisdom is meant to be shared. Wisdom is meant to be passed from one human heart-mind to another.
Emotional Freedom
- I really don’t see my next step, but I do see that battle energy never serves me, and going in circles and repeating myself is a waste of time.
- It’s savvy to politely lie when dealing with someone who is not on your side, especially if it helps you navigate a dysfunctional system.
- When we’re coping with someone who is not on our side, it’s okay to prioritize your own well-being and disengage from the power struggle.
- They call them patients because they expect you to be patient with them, but they don’t have to be patient with you.
- I don’t need to inherit worry; the world doesn’t need more worry, but it could use more of me.
- Worry is like running in place; it keeps you busy but doesn’t take you anywhere.
- Shifting out of worry is a big part of thriving and gives you more access to your wisdom.
- I’ve been working on how to be my own CEO—of my body, my life—in a way where I’m not jumping through hoops for others.
- The way I’m navigating the system was never set up for someone like me, and that’s okay because I’m a trailblazer.
- I trust myself because I’ve figured things out through knowledge and learning where to put my feet and where not to.
- This is my precious energy, and I want to use it my way.
- I want to exercise my energy differently, focusing on what feels better for me and those I care about.
- I’m bored of letting worry run my life; I need something juicier for me.
Navigating Relationships
- When someone’s energy feels heavy or toxic, it’s okay to redirect the conversation or disengage to protect your own well-being.
- I can assert my right to tune the energy of a conversation to something that works for me.
- Focusing on the positive aspects of someone can shift the energy of the relationship and help me connect in a healthier way.
- It’s okay to set boundaries with people who bring negativity or gossip into my life.
- I can choose to appreciate and acknowledge the good in someone rather than defaulting to worry or frustration.
Grief and Connection
- It’s okay to pre-grieve the loss of someone dear to you; their death doesn’t change how much they mean to you.
- Talking about grief and letting it out can feel good and help you process the sadness.
- Even when life takes different turns and physical distance grows, the love and connection with someone dear remain unchanged.
Thriving in a Dysfunctional System
- The medical system, like many institutions, is broken, and navigating it requires savvy and self-advocacy.
- Gratitude for lifesaving treatment doesn’t mean the system is functional or respectful; it’s okay to acknowledge its flaws.
- Being savvy means working to get your needs met in a dysfunctional system while staying true to yourself.
- When dealing with a broken system, it’s important to trust your intuition and find alternative paths that align with your values.
Appreciation and Perspective
- Writing down a list of things I appreciate about someone can shift my energy and help me focus on the positive.
- When I focus on love, appreciation, and acceptance, I create a better energy for myself and those around me.
- I’d rather love the people I’m connected to, even if they’re going through a hard time, than let worry or negativity dominate my energy.
- Neutralizing worry and focusing on appreciation opens the door to deeper wisdom and connection.
Letting Go of Default Patterns
- Worry may be a default way of showing care, but it’s not as useful as other options like love and appreciation.
- I can break free from inherited patterns, like worry, and choose a new way of being that feels more aligned with who I am.
- When I let go of worry, I free up energy to focus on what truly matters and what brings me joy.
- I don’t need to carry the weight of others’ negativity or unresolved issues; I can choose to focus on what uplifts me.
Humor and Playfulness
- When faced with negativity or gossip, I can use humor or playfulness to shift the energy and lighten the mood.
- Asking, “How many plants will it cost me for you not to tell me this?” can be a playful way to set boundaries.
- Turning up the warmth in a cold or windy emotional environment can either invite connection or encourage the other person to move on.
Trusting Intuition
- I’ll figure it out somehow because I trust myself and my ability to navigate challenges.
- My intuition is a reliable guide, especially when I’m faced with uncertainty or difficult decisions.
- When I’m more in my heart and gut than in my head, I can access deeper clarity and wisdom.