Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself!

Hi Everyone.
My name is Edward - after chatting with Rick via email, he invited me to join this group. I’ve noticed a lot of interesting topics and people!!
My interest is in helping people with pain management. I intend to employ a lot of wonderful techniques, like hypnosis, self hypnosis, EFT, meditation, etc.
In the past, I’ve used these techniques as a coach, but mostly aimed at working with stress, weight loss, etc. I hope that my success will continue when I work with those suffering in pain.
I’d love to hear your experiences - I know that Rick has a LOT of expertise on this topic.

Personal stuff:
I’m striving to be a minimalist.
I love working out (healthy body, healthy mind)
I love seeing people genuinely happy.

I think that’s it for now!!
I’m happy to be part of this incredible community!!


Welcome Edward ~ I’m striving to be a minimalist resonated with me! But stuff keeps getting in my way! :wink: :crazy_face:

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Feel free to start a new topic about pain and EFT as well, @EdwardJohn ! Great to have you with us.

In a minimalist way :wink: pain relief with Tapping starts with simple questions like “What am I noticing here?”

And going deeper with the awareness of the sensations, the emotions there, and “What does this remind me of?” (the trauma question).

It’s beautiful work.

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Thanks Norene!!

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Thanks Rick. I completely agree!!

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