
Gee I love Alan Watts’s mind…and his voice too…he knew things…



Mmm. That captures in a different way my switch from goal/success orientation to heartistry and experiencing the energetic world. When I am trying to “get somewhere” I notice almost nothing.

There are times, like in the Charlotte Airport, where getting from C19 (end) to E31 gate in 20 minutes when it is a 19 minute walk without pausing with two small kids in order to make the final leg of our flight that, well, PURPOSEFULNESS seemed to be helpful.

That said, it meant that whole segment of our journey is a total blur, and I probably also added strain to my body that I continue to need to address with a lot of tenderness now…


I’m a guy who believes that ‘context’ needs to be fundamentally considered to determine our behaviours and attitudes and in the context you describe I agree that ‘purposefulness’ was the appropriate attitude.

I do think it’s problematic to think, as is implied by Watts’s words, that there is some ideal ‘static state’ that is best for all contexts we may encounter. And the fact is that no matter how lacking in purpose and ‘in the moment’ we may be we are still missing a vast amount of detail and experience regardless. The very idea that there is an ‘ideal’ ANYTHING is problematic it seems to me and is one of the biggest causes of distress and anxiety for people IMO. I know that’s true for me!!

Regardless of all that I still really dig Allan Watts and I do think his words point to something very useful given some respect to context. I have no doubt that I could live much more of my life in the state that he describes and that would definitely be beneficial to my experience of thriving…


I get the same feeling reading or listening to talks by certain others who, even though their lives and ecosystem as utterly different from my own, I can borrow or adapt aspects for my own world.

There are people whose day and community are very rhythmic, how I imagine Plum Village for Thich Nhat Hanh during his life, for example. Rituals. Timings for rising and sleeping. Etc.

Not my life.

And yet his walking meditations I’ve adapted into my morning miles at times in ways that profoundly borrowed the “peace in every step” energy he offered us.

Allan Watts gave me insights into a culture he was a part of that I “avoided” and yet included wisdom for our age.


Yes to all you’ve said…and, there is also something for me that is meta to the details that are discussed. As regards Mr. Watts and Thich Nhat Hanh, for example, their sincerity and passion and caring and quality of character shine through and embedded within that are the ‘smaller matters’ that they speak about…and that’s ultimately what attracts me to minds like that…the quality of the mind in general I guess. That is what really appeals to me…


I have loved Alan Watts for a long time, too. Just reading the word paradox makes my body agitated, confused and frustrated! Watts’ essential message was to “integrate the spiritual with the material.” To do this…carve “your own way,” “accept your own karma,” and my favorite “follow your own weird.”


How about ‘pair’o’ducks’…that feels better… :slight_smile:

I love Allan Wattts as well…he was a brilliant communicator…and I agree with what you have described as his essential message. I think he was far too smart and wise to have his essential philosophy trap him in a corner.

Follow your weird!!!


:face_exhaling: :sweat_smile: Yes, that feels soooo much better!! :duck::duck:Quack!!


I like the idea, from Watt’s wiki page, of him calling himself a “philosophical entertainer”. This is something I would like “try on” for the next couple of days. What does it feel like to think of myself as a philosophical entertainer?
Playing with the idea of doing things with purpose, and then also letting that purpose go, is fun, too.
Context! Oh yes. That is important data.



I love following my own weird. Yes the word paradox is an agitating word to my head also. But lots to think about and feel listening and reading his words.