Oh Ye of (Some) Faith

I think I am following you. You’re noticing some internal shifts that are helping you Allow in the space of abundance without the same resistance feelings.

Reading the “all I am” and “all I can” I feel a tension, like the pressure of the “all” might block from feeling the simple feelings – even profound and poetic – available in the Now.

Sensitive folks are aware of vast potential within. In my experience that can be “allowed” to activate and inspire us to grow and flourish – and the feeling of “I’m so much MORE!!” is, perhaps, eternal? Any arrival at a particular intended state – whether health, wealth, or any other aspect of thriving – is met by an awareness of moreness.

It’s why I don’t experience thriving as a goal-state. It is a way of living in the now.


yes! exactly. it is fresh and freeing. Instead of doing the work and holding onto the hopes of something arriving or happening, I was prompted by Spirit to just do the work and let it go.


(Side note: Seems you are quoting my entire message in your reply. If you highlight a small bit or you just click the [Reply] link, it won’t do that.)

Fresh and Freeing!