Life without Refrigeration

On this hot humid day, my imagination goes to life without refrigeration.

So much of what might nourish us (food-wise) would spoil fast in this heat.

So much of my good mood here in the refrigerated home would spoil… I do as well as ice cream does in 90 degrees and 90% humidity.

Refrigeration helps to buffer us against the elements. It helps us to be more resilient. It gives us options for nourishment around the clock and the calendar that we otherwise would not have!

I’m so grateful to refrigeration for such options that “default nature” would not.

I’m so grateful for EFT Tapping for helping me process and tend to my energy resources in ways that “default nature” would not.

And… I’m so grateful to bitcoin for giving being as profound (I believe) an invention as refrigeration (and deep freeze) for storing Work Energy without it melting or being spoiled by the “default nature” of Financialists.

Mmmm… time for some watermelon from the fridge along with a topping of sats for future enjoyment.


I am thankful for my refrigerator too. I’m also thankful for cold watermelon. I’m exceedingly thankful that I didn’t find anyone sitting in my refrigerator