Letting the beauty of music influence us…

Hmm… just trying to recall my reflection on the workshop of “Letting beauty influence us”… and well, as a musician, I can’t help but think about guitars.

To a normal person, this is just a piece of instrument that make out of electronics, wood and strings. But to me, I see a gateway to the expression of my own soul. A talent that represents my story. And the resonance of the sound that comes from what’s uniquely from my own fingers.

I tend to always want the best guitar that “feels” the most comfortable to play… the wood, the craftsmanship, can all be felt in the fingers. I can play like a pro, shred like a master. But at the end of the day, if I’m not inspired by what I’m playing, what’s the point of my skills?

I’m growing to love the beauty in the craftsmanship of a guitar, and moving to less heavier genres like blues and funk. I realize that good music doesn’t come out of how “perfect” the sound comes out of your instrument (mixing, quality of instrument etc.) but how much “soul” and dedication is put into every note that is being played.

Great guitars don’t have to be perfect, but when it’s “perfect” in your fingers, every note just sounds so much more inspiring!


Mmmm… thank you. The words above also apply to our own body and the vibrations we emit, too. Soul, Devotion, Skill, more.


Deep, real, authentic beauty can have ‘sexy’ as one of it’s expressions I think. And, for me, guitars are SEXY. Well, many are but many others don’t turn me on. The guitar in your picture Jun Rong qualifies as SEXY to my aesthetic. And YES!! to everything you’ve said. You always have very deep, beautiful thoughts and intentions my friend. :slight_smile:

Yes!! I’m experiencing ‘sympathetic vibrations’ with that Rick… :slight_smile:


@RickThrivingNow your differentiation between devotion and commitment during the ‘confused’ workshop is so empowering… and truly insightful. I do wish to be devoted to guitar, and not committed. And reflecting to this, it’s initially really confusing to me to let go of these guitars because I don’t really know if I would regret doing so, or that I’ll miss out on them. Being devoted to music meant that I should be doing what matters to me, and not be bonded down by things that will restrict me… dk if that’s relevant in that way, but I’m learning!

Letting go of these today so that I can make room for other instruments. Great guitars but I feel like I’ve outgrown them. And am digging more traditional instruments like the tele, Les Paul and the strat…:raised_hands:t2: We’ll see, things might change!

Always thought I could just get one guitar to fit every genre but no, it doesn’t feel great to play blues in a metal style guitar​:man_shrugging:t2:


Get a Tele!! Everyone should have a Tele… :slight_smile:

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Yesss @Glenn gonna go to my local store to see what fits my bill! Do you have any recommendations? Haha I’m eyeing either for a MIM/MIJ fender, fujigen or an edwards!

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Those are all great choices. I really like all the MIJ guitars…good craftsmanship. We don’t see them too much over here but I guess they are more common on your side of the world. As you know it will come down to the individual guitar and how it ‘speaks’ to you. Have fun finding the right one!!! I’m jealous!!.. :slight_smile:

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Ahha! Thanks @Glenn haha, it’s all of my student loan cash :dizzy_face: gotta repay it when I graduate :sob::sob:

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You’ll find a way to make it work… :slight_smile: