It’s true. I’m not good enough. You’re not good enough, either. But here’s where it gets interesting…
We’re probably not good enough to swim the English Channel right now, even though humans have done it. We’re likely not good enough to hop on a rocket ship and visit the International Space Station… even though people are living there right now.
But there’s a crucial difference between acknowledging our current limitations and letting them choke us. It’s like the difference between holding a rock in your hand versus having it stuck in your throat.
When these limiting beliefs get lodged in our psyche – whether from childhood or last week – they can feel suffocating.
The Magic of “Yet”
Here’s where everything starts to free up: Add the word “yet” to “I’m not good enough.”
Feel the difference:
- “I’m not good enough to swim the English Channel… yet.”
- “Oh, right – I’m a decent swimmer, but I haven’t trained for that distance or those conditions.”
- “I need a support team, time, and lifestyle changes to do it.”
- Is this The Thing that really MATTERS to me?
Notice how adding “yet” transforms it from a dead end into a doorway to exploration?
Why This Matters to Your Survival Brain
When we feel “not good enough,” it triggers our primitive brain’s survival mechanisms. This isn’t just about physical survival – it’s about emotional survival, identity survival, and social survival.
I see this especially with emotionally sensitive people (like myself) who retreat from sharing their heartistry with the world because they don’t feel equipped to handle criticism or judgment.
Building Your “Good Enough” Muscles
If something truly matters to you, there are always ways to build strength and skill – whether it’s physical strength to hike up a slope or emotional resilience to share your work publicly. I learned this firsthand with emotional self-management. I wasn’t naturally good at it, but it mattered to me to be more savvy with my emotional energy.
Your Invitation to Growth
Here’s my invitation to you:
- Think of something you yearn you could do (or do more of)…
- Notice where “I’m not good enough” shows up
- Add “yet”
- Then ask yourself and write down: “I’m willing to…what?.. to grow in this direction…”
If it matters enough, could you commit to 20 minutes a day to build that skill? Sometimes, if we’re not willing to do even that, we need to examine whether it truly matters to us or if there’s a deeper block it’s essential we address.
Remember: “I’m not good enough” isn’t meant to be a full stop. It’s meant to be a pause – a moment to assess what skills we are called to develop or what opportunities we yearn to cultivate.
Moving Forward
Take something that keeps coming up for you – that wish, that dream, that possibility. Where you’ve been telling yourself “I’m not good enough,” add your “yet.” Then add “And I’m willing to…” See where that takes you.
Every small step you take from this new perspective will enhance your thriving – now and onwards.
What’s your “yet” waiting to be acknowledged? Share your thoughts in the comments below.