I Forgot Who I was

I forgot who I was!
“You forget who you are?”
Yes! I got sucked into the news again. I’m too curious for my own good sometimes and have too much FOMO!

Breaking news!

The balloon’s going to get shot down as soon as it gets over the ocean.
I watched breathlessly, my mind running amok. What’s in it? Are they going to retaliate? On and on it went playing out worst and not worst scenario. That led to worrying about other things that were happening. What if this, what if that? Why? What’s next?

We’ve been watching CBS Sunday Morning and some of those stories… I kept feeling tears well up. I had felt pretty good when I got up but after watching the show I felt heavy and down.

A friend texted me and asked, “How are U Jean?” Unfortunately I told him. It wasn’t pretty, then I felt bad for my reply. Yes I tapped – I tap a lot. I also called SOS or 911 Angels!! I’d been doing this for several weeks but didn’t get any answers. Nothing seemed to be working. Sure I felt better while tapping but I wasn’t going to sit and tap all day. No wonder I didn’t get any angel help – they couldn’t get through my doom and gloom.
Ok I went to our online Creative Art group and it was fun!! We talked, scribbled, drew, tapped and I felt lighter and more hopeful.

Later I saw Michael Sandler was online that evening talking about how to plug in and calm the voice of your mind. I watched and felt even lighter and more relaxed. I even laughed out loud at some of his experiences with the RV and the middle finger episode!

During this time I was gifted, out of the blue, a book from Cheryl Richardson – why me? Maybe she was guided by our collective angels. So tonight I’ve decided to start over again. Instead of FOMO I’m going to watch more of Michael Sandler’s shows (they are on You Tube), re-listen to Rick and Cathy’s workshops, open the book from Cheryl at random and read what’s on the page, and pull more Angel Cards.

I’ve gotten in negative ruts like this before and had to start over – many times. It’s all right. I learn more each time and I was pleased I wasn’t as hard on myself as I used to be. I’m just thankful I have all these tools to help me start again. So if this speaks to you here is the video from Michael Sandler that I enjoyed. I don’t agree with everything he says but overall he’s so uplifting.
Yes my angels did get through!! Thank you Angels, thank you Guides.

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Interesting Being… watched a bit, got an energy boost, back to focusing on my own work. Thank you Jean!