Art with friends 🎨

Love it!

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Thank you, Jewel

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I’ve been working on a kind of playful, free-spirited art journal for healing. I created these 3 simple pages. The envelopes have little cards inside with notes about various healing choices / categories. Hoping now that I’ve gotten this all written down and organized in one place - I can just let go & Let the Goddess, and really move forward. It’s been something I tend to obsess over - my brain tries to find the perfect healing recipe and I spin in mental circles, rather than just taking the steps I need to take. Over-thinking the correct path to healing has become part of the problem rather than part of the solution. So this is my attempt at creatively working through the tangles in my mind.


I absolutely love your healing art journal! And the envelopes are a GREAT idea for collecting your ideas for empowered, healthy, fun and comforting ways to heal. Well done, Jewel! :heart: :art:


Thanks, Norene!

I love purple too! Very nice picture :grinning:

Here is what I did yesterday in the art group. I’m not sure if it is finished or a work in progress…
work in progress


Beautiful Jewel, looks like you had fun creating it. Did it uplift you?

Thanks Jean. Yes, I had fun doing it and felt a sense of uplift.

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Letting go and letting the goddess sounds very appealing. I revisited your post and found even more inspiration. Angel helper, laugh, let go, comfort, joy spotting, self-love, discover what you love! Wow we can all use these uplifting words. I know I can. Thank you for being vulnerable and posting this delicious creation. :hugs:

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Thanks so much, Jean. :blush: :green_heart: :sun_with_face: :rainbow: :sparkling_heart: :two_hearts:

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Welcome Leah and Sasha to our Art with Friends gathering! We used a prompt to Paint Badly which to me, was harder than it sounded!


Yes, welcome Leah and Sasha, it was nice you were able to be with us in the art group.
I had no idea what I was going to create and when Norene pulled the card to paint something ugly it spoke to me. So here’s my “ugly” creation but I don’’t think it is totally ugly. :joy: Just not quite the colors I usually use. It was fun to create though.


That totally captured my day yesterday! “Badly Beautiful”


Yesterday I created purple


The Ballad of Purple

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I love the song, did you write it? Now I have to create a purple angel. But for now these will do.

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Oh, how I love purple!! My eye travels around all the shapes, words and numbers. And there’s a bit of mystery as to what it all means! Well done, Jean~

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Thank you Norene :grinning: There may not be a meaning to any of the creation except it felt good as I was creating it. I wonder if everything has to have a meaning. What do you think?

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Hmmm…I think that whether we intend it or not or even know it or not, our pictures can’t help but to have some kind of meaning to us even if it was just to have fun doing something that takes one’s mind off of other stuff. Not sure that makes any sense!

1 Like created the words and music. Cool, eh? One of my new favs.