Ambedo Bliss



Ahhhhhhhh… Ahhhhhmbedo…


I knew there would be a word to describe these intense experiences I’ve been having lately!! I figured it would be a German word that was 17 letters long…15 would be consonants. I’m a little disappointed in that regard but it’s nice to have a word to pin to it.

Lately with me it’s trees against the blue sky…it just sends me into a reverie that is so intense. It’s like 64 years of seeing that green against the blue all condensed into a moment…every potent experience I’ve had over all those years that involved trees and sky (and that’s a lot!!) I feel simultaneously. Also when the light in the sky is a certain way and the sound of people and traffic is carried on the air in a certain way (it changes!) it will take me away to very intensely felt sensory memories…not specific memories that I can visualize but felt memories. I’m learning to just surf those moments rather than be overwhelmed with their intensity.