Class Photo Grade 6

I was learning about the color wheel theory in school that this is far from the truth. Being able to draw connection from what I’ve learnt to things like these are what makes learning so much more fulfilling IMO!

The primary colors of the color wheel falls in the RGB (red, green, blue) category. Yet when we blend these 3 colours in different percentages, we get countless numbers of color shades from it!


Ahah, I guess I’m still working through the shame that people might have reservations about the things I share or the opinions that I make. I like to contribute, and oftentimes, I suppose I understand that not all brilliance is deserving for everyone…! So I suppose this statement that I’ve made creates a sense of safety, and a powerful caveat for myself! That which I’m devoid of the responsibility to make the “knowledge” that I possess, impact you/ anyone.

That means, if you like what I share, then thanks for appreciating the gift of my sharing, and appreciating the beauty of the content from the creator that I’ve shared. But if you don’t like it, then so be it, I’m not in any position to force-fit anyone what was incredibly useful to me. So the dilemma exists here. In that I want to share, I want people to love what I share, what I appreciate, and that’s the contrast towards this ideal!

But in reality, this doesn’t happen. Everyone exists in different energetic spaces, different walks of life, and change usually happens through experiences of events, more so than words of advice (though it still works!). And knowing this reality left me disappointed very much…! But now I know, the right audience to whom I share matters! And this community seems hundredfold more receptive than the ones out there! :exploding_head:

And thanks for the shoutout! :wink: I sure could use a little bit more appreciation in my life, and for my 8-year self! :‘’) Regardless, this channel really nails a lot of great content that resonates with the heartistry that we’re doing here too…! :wink:


For me, Jun Rong, here’s what stands out above all else about you…what I acknowledge and am consistently in awe of is your ability to communicate with clarity and passion…your ability and willingness to be genuine and authentic and truly vulnerable. I believe I still can struggle with those things for a number of ‘primitive brain’ reasons and for me you are a beautiful guide that helps give me ‘permission’ to be more open and revealing of my inner world…not only to others but revealing to myself as well. Thank you my friend. So, for me, I sincerely appreciate EVERYTHING you say, whether we are in complete alignment about it or not is such a small, inconsequential facet set within a much larger conversation of immensely greater importance…emotional freedom being foremost to my mind.

I seem to have embodied (for better or worse?) this internal principle years ago that says something like 'No one is obligated to meet my expectations’. I think I’ve benefitted from this principle…it’s very freeing in some ways. It’s not intended to give permission for people to treat me unjustly or unkindly. I mean, that will happen regardless of whether I try to live by that principle (or any other) or not. And naturally I’m not always successful at living up to that principle and I am fully capable of ‘reacting’ rather than ‘responding’…and there’s been a lot of that lately!! But the principle has an ability to bring me back to a calmer, more understanding place I think…it’s a guide that can lead me back to ‘center’ when I find I’ve gone into PB reactions.

I’m not sure exactly how I developed this guiding concept I have that seems central to my being…I’m guessing from my immersion of Eastern spirituality and thought (most importantly the Tao Te Ching) and internal martial arts forms. And in no way am I intending to paint a picture of myself as ‘the calm in the center of the storm’…if only that were true. But even if just once a week I allow that concept (or others) to bring me back toward center than it’s earned it’s keep.



Thank you @Glenn!! Haha I’m honestly still working through taking in compliments to the fullest but I’m glad that I’m doing way better after tapping on so many memories. I used to always think that I’m not deserving of compliment because it’ll make me a different, arrogant person or put myself in a more demanding place with higher expectations… but I know I (slowly) don’t have to! I’m fallible and I’d like to be recognized as such…! I contribute and sometimes I dont, or I can’t, and that is the human experience…! (It’s an ideal though, but something I’m constantly exploring)…!

I’m always really jealous and envious of people who are famous (and I’m sure many people are…), like how did they get themselves so high up to great fame and fortune? And why can’t I get that fame…? I always wished that I could live their “perfect” life, expressing their craft in such an “expertly” level such as world class musicians… but if I remove the “fame” element in their lives, it makes them no different from many humans around us…! And after all, we’re still the same breed of humans. Many with different capabilities and talents. And I find that understanding is more freeing than labeling those famous people as the “have-it-all” group of people.

But I digressed…! Nevertheless, saying all these does aid in a lot of self reflection for myself when I do need it.!

And I’m just happy (really happy actl) that people like you REALLY understand these things, and that’s why I’m able to open myself up to this extent. (with the help of a lot of tapping…!) being vulnerable comes at a cost, so knowing if the people I’m sharing with is able to bear that cost in an understanding way is definitely what helps. And then there’s the leap of faith and risk to just do it anyways, in order to slowly reveal the true and authentic thoughts that I’ve locked in my system for the longest time…! And yea the hardest part is all the shame that people have put on me when I share my authentic self, and try to talk me out of my choices, truth and decisions

And indeed, obligations are what restricts, choices and what frees us. I’ve learnt this statement aptly: “Let me find out for myself whether this ___(way) works”, rather than being obliged to do things “your” way”.

And yeah, we’re not perfect so it’s all the more natural to always fall back to PB and slowly work ourselves towards emotional freedom. There’s perhaps a beauty in this “back and forth” energy (?) To see ourselves fall and pick ourselves up rather than always being in a “high and all-outgoing” status. Being weak and vulnerable indeed fosters some of the deepest connections as I’ve learnt. Breaking down walls of stereotype is what reaches us deeper to what makes us more human, more fallible and more beautifully imperfect.

And indeed, I work towards being more of a “optimist realist” rather than an “over-optimist”. “Calm in the center of the storm” reminds me of the story of Jesus on the boat with Peter, and I’m simply traumatized by the fact that I had to live up to that kind of unwavering confidence of Jesus walking on water. Failing didn’t seem like an option from all those teachings back then. I’m just happy now that I could start to fail more, and even if I’m drowning like Peter, it’s ok and I can still slowly work my way out of the water without having to be like Jesus…! Jesus Christ I’m no God to walk on water…!