Body Guidance

Thanks for sharing Jean. Rick, just sent that book recommended to my nephew in GA. Thanks!

I recently vaught oart of the new documentary about Judy Blume, the young adult author. Her books made such a difference in my life when i was a kid. She named things no one talked about and helped remove so much shame for so many of us. I highly recommend the documentary about her no matter what your age. And i recommend all of her books, too. Are you there god? It’s me Margaret.


I loved and read everything by Judy Blume too, Dru. There is a wonderful documentary called Judy Blume forever on Amazon Prime. I’ve watched it once and it was so good I’m going to watch it again. I want to see Are you there God, the movie when it comes out in streaming.


Body guidance definitely brings “data” – meaning, it brings awareness and information that helps reveal more of the whole picture, the whole situation, the options and landscape of our emotional world.

We’ve elevated “logic” and sensory data that is in our head as having primacy. But that is, indeed, like saying eyes are superior to ears… so superior that eyes can REPLACE and even overrule what our ears hear.

Same with head over gut. It’s just as ridiculous. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This is a core aspect of discernment. “These sensations I am feeling that I am labeling fear… are they a signal that the territory is unknown and I need a bit more Presence and Awareness… or am I picking up active threat?”

I know we can perceive the difference in our body. The “consultation” between head, heart, gut, and groin – and the rest of us, too – reveals differences in primal, survival threat… and fears arising from the part of our cognition that is aware that outside our comfort zone, we are less skilled and more vulnerable.


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